Wednesday, July 16, 2014

digital media production

so I started a new class today. Digital Media Production. it's fun as beans! (beans are fun...they make you fart and that's hilarious) as you can see I quickly finished the first project which I used a shot from one of my older projects "The Rye and Al show" game review for idiots.
 it's not much but it's a start! I was able to make Rye just stand there and take it and obviously reversed my favorite controller slap. I was also able to rid the horrible date, time clock that for some reason, we could never get the camera to stop showing that since the first one. I just photoshopped the logo to fit over it and now I feel it looks pretty sharp. it would be worth going back and doing that for the other reviews that suffer that except for the fact they are dark, quiet and crapilly shot. it's ok though. it's all a learning experience and will be interesting to see what we can put together once I'm done with all my schooling! hopefully ill have more to post soon! thanks for following!