Monday, November 4, 2013

i missed halloween cause i was DEAD!

so who needs costumes when there's photo shop! had a good week last week in class and learned some new things....such as masking!!
Look at that handsome devil! He's a real looker! at least he was before that bullet took out his eye.
Using the masking layers I'm able to adjust the tone of my skin, I can adjust tones, over exposure of the light in the picture, adjust shades...and on and on. I can render it over the whole picture or just the area of my choosing. aside from that I also used the Blending mode and Overlay textures feature to add various textures to my skin and render them the same hue and fade them enough so it looks realistic. the area of my forehead is actually textured with raw hide, my mouth is loose gravel, and that's hamburger on me neck wound. the rest I added with pen cause so of its easier to draw that way IMO. there's so much to learn on photo shop, its almost overwhelming at times! The more I play with it though the more fun I have with it! hope you all had a happy Halloween! mine was awesome! here's a pic of me at my favorite haunt!