Monday, December 9, 2013

so i have a castlevania problem....

I think about it a lot for some reason....

and then I make it into art projects. what I did here was a photoshop project. everything on this picture is actually a real picture that I stole and strategically placed to recreate another incantation of Dracula's castle. it took a lot of a clipp'n an a mask'n but it was no sweat. the rest was just using adjustment layers to alter the tone of the towers, and alter the color so they don't look like the bright sunny pictures of the happy castles what I took them like these...
does any part of this castle look familiar?
this castle here was my absolute'll have to look closely to find it....think Dracula's room...
and the grass I got was a lot nicer before I went mad with adjustments...
the sky I kept almost the same....
the lightning though was from elsewhere.

add one ol' dead tree....
and pepper with tombstones!

and finish with a rainy walkway from last Septembers rain storms!
..and wallah! a photo shop master piece! This project was loads of fun and in the end is pretty much the heart of what photo shop is all about. with it you can take preexisting photos and make anything you want out of them. like a unlimited scrapbook that will never ruin another magazine or photo. no paper required, and enough tools to make anything seem real if you got the eye for the detail!

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