Monday, December 9, 2013

so i have a castlevania problem....

I think about it a lot for some reason....

and then I make it into art projects. what I did here was a photoshop project. everything on this picture is actually a real picture that I stole and strategically placed to recreate another incantation of Dracula's castle. it took a lot of a clipp'n an a mask'n but it was no sweat. the rest was just using adjustment layers to alter the tone of the towers, and alter the color so they don't look like the bright sunny pictures of the happy castles what I took them like these...
does any part of this castle look familiar?
this castle here was my absolute'll have to look closely to find it....think Dracula's room...
and the grass I got was a lot nicer before I went mad with adjustments...
the sky I kept almost the same....
the lightning though was from elsewhere.

add one ol' dead tree....
and pepper with tombstones!

and finish with a rainy walkway from last Septembers rain storms!
..and wallah! a photo shop master piece! This project was loads of fun and in the end is pretty much the heart of what photo shop is all about. with it you can take preexisting photos and make anything you want out of them. like a unlimited scrapbook that will never ruin another magazine or photo. no paper required, and enough tools to make anything seem real if you got the eye for the detail!

Monday, November 4, 2013

i missed halloween cause i was DEAD!

so who needs costumes when there's photo shop! had a good week last week in class and learned some new things....such as masking!!
Look at that handsome devil! He's a real looker! at least he was before that bullet took out his eye.
Using the masking layers I'm able to adjust the tone of my skin, I can adjust tones, over exposure of the light in the picture, adjust shades...and on and on. I can render it over the whole picture or just the area of my choosing. aside from that I also used the Blending mode and Overlay textures feature to add various textures to my skin and render them the same hue and fade them enough so it looks realistic. the area of my forehead is actually textured with raw hide, my mouth is loose gravel, and that's hamburger on me neck wound. the rest I added with pen cause so of its easier to draw that way IMO. there's so much to learn on photo shop, its almost overwhelming at times! The more I play with it though the more fun I have with it! hope you all had a happy Halloween! mine was awesome! here's a pic of me at my favorite haunt!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

what am i working on???

here's a pic from a work in progress...
well obviously I'm not in a photography class so I didn't take this picture...

well I took the pictures, as in a took them off of a public web site....lots of pictures on google...
pretty bright an sunny eh? not my usual style eh? well I'm doing this for school! gotta stay in the curriculum!

is it starting to come together yet? I didn't say what class this is for, did I? It's a super neat-o class where I learn a new tool that's all the rage! yes, an artist's tool that is so important that I actually needed a whole class to learn it! which I needed cause I was not getting it on my own. what program do you ask?
Photoshop of course!! As you can see im not very far in it. Even though the class is almost 4 hours it never seemed to be enough time. Not when I'm still trying to get the basics down. my time felt like a constant bit of trial and error. then following up with much question asking.  Slowly and surly the basics have been had. Fortunately Tara helped me get my hands on a copy of PS at home! now I can work on this at my own time. It's part of what was missing, I needed more then 4 hours in one day to be able to poke and prod this program so that I can truly learn it. I've been able to add the photo elements necessary for the project, but now I need to start painting some of the other elements by hand. That, I need to be at school for because I do not own a com-pen at the time being. I'm supposed to learn the brush and paint mixing tools with the stylus so i'm going to add a few more photo shop bits for now while I can, and spend a good portion of class hopefully painting my guts out with the stylus. which by the that ive used one, I definitely need it....well I don't need it.....but I #@($*(# need it! sorry no new hand drawn stuff has come out yet! I got four classes and they all need my attention plus I still haven't located the cords for the scanner yet since the move! stay toon'd my faithful!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

ho ho my happy followers! ...all 5 of you...
             finally a new post, and a new post with exciteing news! new art to follow.... For those of you who have been following my art or just know me in general you will either know now, or be happy to know that i have moved from being a free lance amateur artist to an art student training in the ways of professional artist! My major is in animation because my dream is to make cartoons and eventually original cartoons of my own design! I am one quarter into classes already and have more then enough new and interesting things to post. I need to set up my scanner though which has been more problematic then i thought would be.
              i know my last post was back in the before times of 2011...when gas was cheap and the government was not shut down. it seems so long ago, but work was slow on the art front so nothing got made and i got frustrated. well years between posts will be a thing of the past now as this blog is part of my work at the school! i enrolled at the art institute of seattle btw. so weekly if not daily you will be seeing new things! new crafts and new project with me working in new mediums. which is great cause my arse needs to know photoshop and everything in between.
               i hope you all like the new stuff, feel free to look at the old stuff! keep posts tastefull as my superiors will be looking at these things as well.